Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Petrouchka Alexieva

Farewell to War

Photo Credits: file:///C:/Users/plume/Documents/



Wars are always created

by tribal chiefs and politicians.

So, they get rich, but their kids

stay under the diplomatic shade.


In case they step outside,

daddy’s daughters and sons

get pompous titles

and medals of honor of all kind.

The shamans, the priests,

the mullahs and a like

are shaking their tools in theatrical trance

hoping it will be their chance

to grab bigger slice from the pie.


And…the lives of the rest get cheap.

For the rest opens the door of hell,

the horror, the physical pain of wounds

and the struggles of the fractured brain.


Since the man grabbed a stick and a stone,

humans have one thing in common - War.

Testing weapons and developing more

is always the main goal, so…


With latest Astrobotic inventions

humans might end with no cave left

to start next human civilization.

It is time to say “Farewellto War.


Peace Really Exists


With positions on both hills, two soldiers

used to fight on both sides of the river,

In the dark, with their dusty hands

both used to light few cigarettes.


They both used to dream peace and a home,

bunch of kids and yard with no fence.

One day, the war came to its end.

The treaty was signed. They left

the bloody land planted with mines.


In a foreign place, they cleaned the minds.

Their wounds healed with time. Today,

two neighbors play chess under a huge olive tree.

They admire their kids. On the place with no fence

peace really exists and the two soldiers already know this.

 What A Swamp!


Photo credit:


The planet is dirty, the planet is filthy.

Who do you think must feel guilty? 

The glaciers melt, and the cows are blamed.


The plastic bottles invade the shores,

but the golden yachts float with sealed doors.

Turtles and dolphins struggle to breath

chocked to death with plastic rings.


The sands are mined with syringes and needles;

broken glasses. Standing right in the middle,

politicians talk to earn elections,

pretending they make their great affections.

What a swamp! The Earth needs protection!

Michelle Smith

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