Thursday, May 23, 2024

Terry McCarty


get ready once more

two mastodons enter the stadium

for more roars and butting of tusks


the media loves rematches

even if most of the public doesn’t 


watch Donald dance away 

from what he stirred up on 1/6/21

heh heh, nothing to do with me

they got overexcited on their own

you don’t mind if I squash civil liberties next time

see Joe bark at those who

dare to criticize his stance on Israel and Gaza

and his failure to distance from Bibi’s slaughter 

he says look, I cut insulin prices, 

gave some people student loan debt relief

and got both parties to agree on infrastructure 

so suck it up or you get Dictator Trump

this is what we get

when we don’t have big donor money

or super PAC clout

to push for real change

to keep old men with outmoded ideas

away from oval offices and nuclear footballs 


I move with the wind

The wind comes from Mar-a-Lago

Don’t blame me for this


oh oh oh where did it go

talking about the Grey Lady of journalism 

once it published The Pentagon Papers 

now it hates liberals 

shuts down in-house dissent

allows Maggie Haberman to be The Trump Sycophant 

wants to view the world from the penthouse 

covers Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign 

by balancing Kerry Kennedy’s anguish

with gushing over RFK Jr.’s sense of sartorial style

oh oh oh what will it stoop to

after the difficult November election comes and goes

Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...