Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Alex S Johnson

White on White Translucent Black Capes


Acid melts on her tongue

pink wriggling curl of alive

the very young instinctive pulse

that rushes through galactic ports on air

to Stone Age lust

firm her spine, straight in perfect trust

She flips long fingers

through her hair

the squalling brain 

      splitting into fractal fantasy

words spill with distorted sustain

cut free from her lunacy

Ducking beneath 

a suddenly grown oppressive

doorway--she is Alice, and swelling with each

footstep--Ravyn sees the scene of the

Crime framed through a looping 

crack in nature

She pauses, freeze frame on the bachelors

the brides, eternal ornaments of time, summoning hot erasure

She mimes her lines in telepathic

seizure salad

but no one sees her

as she drifts soft down

her body 

a wet wrinkle 

like a cast-off surgeon's glove

The director summons the cast

for one final climb

above the watery expanse

of a bad romance

to sit atop the fiery rigging

and begin from the beginning


There will be hell to pay

There will be a reckoning

There is no other way

to crest the burning 

slope of the breast of days

Then she stands inside

the gallery exponential

her lungs expand as she

breathes with aching golden luxury

Of the body map, she's finally free

Dramatis personae: Ravyn Blackwood

her lover, Duke of Dread, Gregor the Demented

and the fox in the thicket

Merciless Moralia


Starring in the

coffee bar

with the crackling squiggle of

neon blue

Wasting away

at the Surreal Beauty Cafe 


The theatrical curtain, black 

shower of tragedy,

drops like the chill of 

early winter rain

and the blood's so thick and hot, it pops in her


Another performance of wonder and pain


fortunately, this time

nobody got murdered.

Sleep Is A Symptom of Wake

Sleep is a symptom of wake

unburdened by philosophy

It's a game of give and take, mostly--

taking wake from you, restoring the day's

Best moments, clipped dendrites in a perfect

surgery of memory

For me, the symptoms are dire

They are pain

they are pain

they are pain

Pain beats me like a pinata

it takes and drains and drains and drains

You ask me what I take

For the pain

And my answer is simple: I take more pain

Now it is 2:14 am PDT

I sit, not insomniac in your normal sense

But on the rack

rear-end angel on the road to ruin

I am a monster, now that I see me

A dire wolf turned mutant

A living hunk of tundra

A fossil harshed into miniature

A crestfallen piece of creation

In my pain are verses abundant, for

It is a singer

and its songs are legion

It is a tree

that grows


Another tree

Encircled by circles of age and tremulous claims

to wisdom


merely born of pain

Pain is a genius

that erases you



It takes your soul and wears it as a cape

A carapace

Jekyll and


It is a stamp

in a robot manufacturing plant

Gregors incorporated

It tools fortunes

And is a rollercoaster in a cyclatron

It is a wounded


That speaks to now, now

It is the worn





Playing an old blues

A scratchy jazz

Record on

Your old aunt Lillith's gramophone

And you thought I wouldn't

mention her


Her age

her muted rage

We do not use

those terms

For feminine

We do not speak of


We keep things under heavy


Manners and mannerisms

Passing for


There is a sleep also of conscience

A bitter remonstrance

From karen correctors in the marketplace of


A bustling agora

choked with











Shot in an iron ball

across the sunken valley of Manahattan

Shaking in tatters and rags

Bundled in a




These, again, are the

symptoms of


A thin rainbow line

Guarded by the Dream Police

Cat on A Hot Tin Horror Cast

with a tip of the poet's beret to Ellyn Maybe

History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake--James Joyce 


Skating across the tin

rooftops of the


Like a lone girl performing tricks with her blades

self-conscious of her masks and masquerade 

Curious, she peers through the holes in the sky

where shattered lives abide in

ramshackle tarpaper shacks

Nobody knows where the


meal is at 

There are rumors

that children are being


There are rumors

that everything is fine

There is advice

I cannot take 

And the razor blade edge of final fatal lines 

Requiescat in Pace


Both sides exhale poisonous fumes

Both sides stoke the fires of propaganda

Both sides invoke a nightmare binary

Both sides cannot cause


To side 

against itself.

Let's not make this 


Put that imp of the perverse

back on the shelf

At least

More difficult 

than the aching bellies

than the sleepless nights

than the edited bloody limbs

than the ripped backsides of hospitals

than the bodies elided, mass burial in rubble

than the provisions of armaments

than the skunk gas released at universities

than the poisoned tea of social media feeding frenzies

than the bombs

and the rape

and the horror we

cannot escape


Peace and war 

cannot be separate

A war for peace 

engages the sternest warrior hearts

Let's not dance

like a cat on a hot tin horror-cast

compassion-fatigued aghast

at the storm of perversities

Strength: the heart's yolk, unity in 


With show tunes, warm food and whimsical humanity

where leaders fail, the people will prevail

and forge ahead despite perplexity.

Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...