Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Carl Papa Palmer



Kristy sent an email, said click this link

filling my screen with a YouTube video

of a fish in a fishbowl for nine seconds

before flashing to view kites crashing.


Watching, fascinated, fixated, besieged

by nine second clips of obvious amateur

movies, consumed, intrigued, afflicted,

addicted, conflicted on what I’ll see next.


Possessed, obsessed, watch water boil,

paint dry, grass grow, more fishbowls,

unable to stop or wanting to stop since

opening her email almost six hours ago.


Just this one last nine second segment,

then I’ll stop. Finger lingers over pause,

check clock for time to view one more

after this one, only nine seconds, right?


I didn’t read why Kristy sent the email,

only opened and clicked like she said.

I’ll check what she said about it in a bit,

but first I need to watch one more video.



For My Protection  


When I try to open my email a big black bordered banner

with a flashing red X appears on my screen with the message:


A problem has occurred during sign in.

Please check your user name, password

and try again.


After another try, a larger yellow flashing banner warns:


For your protection -

after three failed attempts to sign in,

you will be permanently blocked from this email website.

You have already tried twice.


If you have forgotten your password and require a hint,

click on the security question tab:


For your protection -

Please enter the answers to these three secret questions

from when you initially registered for this account.

1- year your first pet died

       2- Your father's maiden name

   3- Your ATM PIN number


Congratulations! 2 of your 3 answers match.

You are not blocked, however

you must create a new password.

Please follow these important directions

on how to create a strong password:


For your protection -

It must be 8 to 32 characters long

different from your previous six passwords

containing three numbers, two special characters

no repeated numbers, letters or symbols

no dates and no times

no common names, surnames or nicknames

cannot rhyme with your user name

no spaces, case sensitive, English only

no slang or song titles


            After thirty minutes and with the help of my 8 year old grandson:


                       Success! Your password is accepted.

For your protection -  

a verification letter has been sent

to your new email inbox.


Finally! I go to the email website, carefully type in my name and password,

            Click to enter:


        A big black bordered banner with a flashing red X appears on my screen…

Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...