Weather Report
Clouds thick enough to be a chilly blanket and
Days go by
without seeing the sun.
Maps of what
the coast will look like
When most of
it is under water.
Smoke from
wildfires covering
the better
part of three states.
And security
guards say
Don’t sit in
this row. These seats are reserved.
Days go by
without seeing the sun
And still, no
one is taking the reserved seats.
Your name is
not on the comped list
And smoke
from wildfires is covering three states.
Voices on the
phone say you’re not covered for insurance.
And maps show
what the coast will look like
When even the
airport is under water.
You’re not
allowed in first class on the airplane
And days go
by without seeing the sun.
Don’t sit
there. Those seats are hundreds of dollars
And you
can’t afford that. But you want to see the sun
paying those hundreds of dollars.
Your name is
not on the comped list.
The computer
can’t find you.
A computer
asks you to prove you are human
And a computer
is doing your job
And you can’t
sit in those seats down in the front
Because you
didn’t pay hundreds of dollars
That you can’t
earn because you are not a computer.
You sit in
that forbidden seat anyway.
The guardians
of the elite look at you and their look is
As chilly as
cloud blankets
And you
realize that this
Is where the
Weather comes from.