Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Lynn White

A Rose For Gaza

(written in 2014)

Gaza is a garden full of roses.

Stone roses.

Rock roses.

No petals to crush and bruise

to release their fragrance.

Only dust.

Dust and the stench

of death.

No green space left.

No sweet tranquility,

peace or quiet.

No escape.

No garden of Eden here.

No gateway to paradise.

Rubble and rock roses.

So I shall plant a rose for Gaza

in my green space,

in my tranquil garden.

I won’t bruise it,

just gently sniff its fragrance

and hope that one day

fragrant roses will bloom again

in the garden of Gaza.

What else can I do?

First published by Poets Haven, Vending Machine in Poetry for Change Anthology 2014

Ground Force Gaza Episode Two

This poem is an update.

I wish it wasn’t.

The original was written in 2014.

I didn’t expect to write a sequel,

but here we are again.

One hour to leave

carrying what you can

knowing everything you love

will be destroyed 

behind you, 

you and 1.5 million others.

You and 1.5 million Others.

Who could do this?

People could not do it.


Things in uniform obeying orders,

yes sir no sir-ing their way into oblivion.

They could do it.

They would do anything, if told to.

Humanity suspended.

Killing machines. 

Destroyers of dreams

with their tanks and bulldozers,

burying them in the rubble with the bits.

With the bits of bodies, 

the hands and the feet,

the breasts and the balls.

Things in uniform.

They could do it.

Revenge is never sweet.

But maybe if enough things die

they will stop their slaughter.

Maybe if enough things die

they will become extinct

like the dodo,

the stuff of legend

like the unicorn.

I hope so.

First published in Dissident Voice, October 15, 2023

Some Of Them Are Brave

Everyone knew it was happening

the unheard story

the tens of thousands dead,

the millions displaced,

the decades of rubble,

the destroyed schools.

hospitals, universities

everyone knew.

Everyone knew it was happening

the unheard story

even though the journalists were dead

or expelled and banned

everyone knew.

Everyone knew it was happening

the unheard story

of the hundreds

or thousands,

or tens of thousands

who had disappeared

uncharged with any crime

or misdemeanour

everyone knew.

Then three Israeli workers

blew their whistles loud

and everyone heard

what everyone knew.

Now the trick is to listen.

First published in Dissident Voice, May 19, 2024



Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...