Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLoki


I’m sick and tired of

psychopaths from sea to shining sea using AR15s to massacre 

close to 20 patrons at a bowling alley in Lewiston, Maine

and 11 

Asian Americans celebrating a Lunar New Year Festival 

in Monterey Park, California

and of 

domestic terrorists using assault firearms to execute those

at Orlando, Florida nightclub for dancing while gay 

and 23 

Walmart customers in El Paso, Texas, for looking 

like the illegal aliens President Trump had 

said were invading our country, 

and 11 

people at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg for 

worshiping while being Jews,

and 10 

people at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York for 

shopping while black, 

and of 

deranged AR-15 gunmen riddling the little bodies of 20 

Sandy Hook elementary school kids in Newtown, Connecticut 

and 19 Robb elementary school kids in Uvalde, Texas 

with bullet blasts from rapid fire combat rifles

O America, America

I’m sick and tired of you having more 

gun fatalities in a day than 

Japan has in a year 

and more people killed with guns in an average 

week than in all of Western Europe in a year

So sick and tired 

sick and tired

sick and tired 

of being sick and tired

O America, America

When will you love your children 

more than you love your guns?

When will you beat your assault rifles 

into plowshares

and your semiautomatic handguns 

into pruning hooks?

When will you be 

from sea to shining sea

the land of the free?


“Decolonization or Extinction”—Elena Gomez,

The Red Nation

De-Columbus Day this poem

America wasn’t discovered

It was invaded and colonized

De-Thanksgiving Day this poem

Don’t get this poem wrong, it is thankful for

family feasts and get togethers with friends

but does not give thanks for the genocide,

stolen Indigenous land, plantation and textile

mill wage slavery labor on which was BUILT

the wealth of our early nation

This poem acknowledges it was composed

on the occupied ancestral homeland

of the Tongva people

De-canonize Junípero Serra

A saint he ain’t

The first peoples of Los Angeles needed

to be saved from colonialism,

NOT from the imaginary flames of a hell

with which this "Apostle of California"

threatened them unless they

closed their eyes, bowed their heads

and accepted his blue-eyed, European

Christ as their lord and savior

This poem views the world through the eyes

of the colonized whether they be those of Jews

and Anglo-Saxons under domination of Rome

in ancient times or those of the Indigenous

under that of the U. S. and Canada or

Palestinians under that of Israel today

De-militarize this poem

Like Dwight Eisenhower said,

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched,

every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense,

a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,

those who are cold and are not clothed”

De-propagandize this poem

As Malcolm X warned, “If you aren't careful, the media

will have you hating the people who are being oppressed

and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”

De-carbonize this poem

Stop sending greenhouse gas shit into Father Sky

and using Mother Earth’s land and bodies of

waters to dump electronic waste, single use

plastic bags, straws and soda cups

Cease clearcutting old growth trees

and tropical rainforests for more—

palm oil in shampoo,

barbecue bacon double cheeseburgers

to stuff corpulent settler colonialists,

fiber pulp to manufacture—

toilet paper,

junk mail,

Amazon books,

and computer printer paper upon

which this poem was typed along with

the poet’s grocery shopping list

handwritten on the back

This poem like the poet who wrote it

and those who hear and/or read it

ARE a part of nature

NOT separate from it

and thus one strand in the web of life

currently threatened by the sixth

mass extinction

De-commodify this poemIt has value 

even if it doesn’t add one cent to further 

wealth accumulation of richest 1%

De-privatize this poem

and re-communalize it

As Roque Dalton has said, ”

Creo que el mundo es bello,

que la poesía es como el pan,

de todos.

I believe the world is beautiful

and that poetry, like bread,

is for everyone.


2000 pound bomb,

paid for by our tax dollars has 

her name along with those 

of the rest of her family  

written on it, 


their Gaza City apartment building

Within debris shadows, 


of light emerges.

“When they shelled us with the second missile, 

I woke up and was surrounded by rubble. 

I realized that my leg had been cut off, 

because there was blood and I had no leg. 

“I tried to move it, but it wouldn’t move. 

My father and mother were martyred. 

My brother Mohammad and my sister Dalia also.

“I want someone to take me abroad, 

to any country, to install a prosthetic leg, 

to be able to walk like other people, 

so that I can move and go out 

and play with other kids. 

“I want to become a doctor, like 

those who treat us, so that 

I can treat other children. 

I only want one thing: 

for the war to end.”

On December 17th,  

shell in Israel tank gun

paid for by our tax dollars 

with name of 12 year old girl 

recovering in Gaza hospital 

written on it, 

is fired—

Peace be upon you,

Dunia Abu Mosen

May all who have witnessed 

that little light of yours—

Let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

* From the news story, “Absolutely Unimaginable”: 

Children in Gaza Face Amputations Without Anesthesia, 

Death & Disease, DEMOCRACY NOW, DECEMBER 28, 2023

Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...