Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Spencer Griffin


Many many years ago

Under the British rule

There was a man named George III

And what he did wasn’t cool

He taxed our tea, and then when he

Heard people cry out against it

He didn’t listen to them

And instead, he just got defensive


His monarchy turned to anarchy

With each growing frustration

The people had enough of his

Taxation without representation

So angrily, they threw their tea

Into the Boston Harbor

They marched away in protest

And then declared with much ardor:

“Your rule must end. O, royal ‘friend.’

Do not make us come back!”

He listened clear, for he had feared

He was under attack

And so, the time had come at last

For us to build a new nation

We called it the United States,

A land of innovation


With the birth of this new country

Came a new way to take charge

A way that we called “voting,”

Where the nation, by and large

Decided between presidents,

Instead of kings and queens,

Of who would win and who would lose

In our land of hopes and dreams


Here’s some more facts: at the max

They could serve for 8 years

That way, we could put aside

Any uneasy fears

Of what would happen if anyone

Took charge for too long

For in our great United States,

We tried hard to do no wrong


Now, no nation is perfect

We still have much to work out

But in the meantime,

At least we can know without a doubt

That our system of voting freed us

From a once oppressive reign

So maybe we can learn from this

How to live in peace again

Michelle Smith

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