Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Jackie Chou

"Off Chin"

There's fresh graffiti 

spray painted on my door.

"Off Chin," it says,

straight white letters

against the sky-blue motif

of the hotel-turned care home.  

"Off" means get lost;

"Chin" has something to do

with my ethnicity.

The culprit down the hall,

once a man in a clean suit,

now has soot on his cheeks,

reeks of rot,

urine, and feces,

now hurling 

this cryptic insult

for me to decipher.

"Off Chin, Off Chin,"

echoing like a mantra

through the corridors.


They say we're "not very smart"

Using a negative modifier 

Instead of the actual word

They could've said we were dumb

Doltish or dull

But not "not very astute!"

They say we're bimbos

Or dim bulbs 

The two terms almost sound alike

And have similar meanings

Maybe they're the ones

Not very bright 

The Unlove Poem

I try to write a poem of love

but I just shut the door

against someone's face

to have the elevator to myself

like a pigeon hogging bread

I try to weave words of caring

but I just hid the gelato 

from my roommates 

then relished its swirls of caramel 

when nobody was watching 

I'm like the stage actress

secretly wishing

her nemesis would break a leg

so she could play the lead

I'm the heart



pretending to mourn 

the plight of others 


to write a love poem 

Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...