Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Simone Wilson



Can’t you hear me screaming,

Don’t run!

Above the deafening sounds of screeching sirens

Don’t run!

All they want is an excuse

So they won’t have to turn you loose.

Don’t run!


Drop the phone; they’ll swear it’s a gun.

When you’re dead it can’t be undone.

You’re not on the lamb

Show them your hands.

Who’s gonna raise your son, the child that carries your name?

His mom will do the best she can but

She can’t teach him to be a man.

Don’t run!


The child support you didn’t pay

can’t be the death of you; no way.

I know that you are in arrears

but you need to tune your ears

and hear me when I plead,                                                      

Don’t run!


That minute bit of weed is no more than just a seed.

It’s a class C misdemeanor,

Probation and a fine.

 You don’t have any priors so you probably won’t do time.

Stop running!

Lay down on the ground.


I hear the sound of the Negro hounds.

The rhythmic patting of paws to pavement

Pat, pat, pat a pat pat

No Harrett Tubman in this space to lead you to a safer place. 

They’re listening for that one command

To rip your legs, your feet, your hands

Get him, tear him limb from limb!

Their teeth are bared, the outlook’s grim


Don’t run!


Your mother stands there shedding tears,

For what? One failure to appear?

X marks the spot on the evening news,

All you see is a pair of shoes.

They’ll tell us justice was being served

“Another black man got what he deserved”

“Don’t run!”


There’ll be a mock investigation, maybe a march in the street.

They’ll sing “we shall overcome”, but we won’t.

So don’t run!


Bullet holes in the back.

The police shot him twice

Don’t ever forget that’s how we pay the price.

The punishment doesn’t fit the crime so I’m begging you

Stop in time!

Stop, drop, even roll if you must,

But whatever you do,

Don’t run!


Running will not save your life.

Running will make you lose it.

And I don’t want to see you go out like that.                                                                                  


Michelle Smith

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