Wednesday, May 22, 2024

S.A. Gerber



It has come to pass.

I have renewed my

credentials from years

ago with the Universal

Life Church and they

have arrived!

They had no record of

me, but still, you have

heard of the “Right

Reverend Wright?” …

Well, I am now…

“The Wrong Reverend Gerb!”

(For an additional fee I

could have been a Rabbi,

but then I would move up to

a higher tax bracket.)

As of the sixteenth day

of July, 2021, I have

again, been certified!

(Some say I was certifiable

years before that, but…).

I am a “man of the cloth” …

wholesale, of course.

I am available for:




and Bar Mitzvas!

(Not to mention Bris, but

that of course is extra).

I also think in some cases,

I can hear confessions, but

I will refrain. I have my own

problems and mish-a-goss.*

Anyway, I will be easily

accessible once I get my T.V.

ministry underway. Stay tuned.

Goodbye and shalom until then.


*Mish-a-Goss, Yiddish= Silly nonsense.


On Every Street

Don’t feel like living

in this world anymore.

Too nervous for suicide,

too frightened to die alone.


Passing people with dead

eyes on every street.

Each and every day.

they live in spite for spite.


The merchants come and go

with the changing of lights.

Vehicles sit not getting sold,

and murder is in the breeze.


The sun burns hotter in traffic.

No cold comes by night.

The wind song blows its lyric,

the rain withholds its relief.


Argue over the point of it,

or the ultimate meaning.

Someone or the other, or both,

will be fatally wrong.



Feel free to

smoke and write

in my garden,

wafting your words

to my window.

The clouds hang

low in my

room, as if

a hovering shroud.

Your warm body

is tauntingly infectious…

heat radiates off.

I wish to

hold it near,

and softly caress.

Two candles glow

and there is

yet another bottle

of port close.

Like any port

in a storm,

if you will.

We all take

comfort wherever we

can find it.


Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...