Monday, May 20, 2024

David Fewster

MONSTER JAM: An Ode to Tacoma's Greatest Cultural Event (taken from Tristan Corbiere)

Blessed are the toxic sands

Along the shores of Commencement Bay

Where every year from far-off lands

Countless supplicants come to pray

At that mighty shrine, the Tacoma Dome

They journey thru dark winter's muck

Far from their safe and comfy homes

To worship the mighty Monster Truck

From Puyallup, Orting, Walla Walla

Boise, Bozeman, Klamath Falls

They come to join the righteous holler

To their Mighty Metal Gods Who Maul

Their MAGA hats come out of exile

From closets where they've sat a year

Confederate flags again flown in style

For freedom is the watchword here

The multitudes are maskless there

Let no Satanic block prevent

Everyone getting proper holy share

Of carbon monoxide's sacrament

They've saved many months to afford this treat

(The tickets are quite highly priced)

Silent prayers are said as they take their seats

That no random child be sacrificed

The show begins! The engines' roar

Can barely drown out the crowd's great glee

When in the middle of the circus floor

Greta Thunberg is burned in effigy.

Dan Brook

A Haiku Sequence on Abortion women’s rights are key abortion should be a choice pro-democracy   it seems so basic women’s rights are human r...