Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rex Butters

I will no longer

be complicit in




Aaron Bushnell

did incredible work

for various mutual aid

and unhoused coalitions

spent every penny

and second

serving his community

living anarchist principles


deep friendships

with people living in the


buying them blankets, sweaters and snacks

gave his cat to his neighbor

gave his savings to Palestinian


should any survive


talented USAF IT

for one of history’s

most enthusiastically genocidal


engulfed in flames

flesh sizzling

preset camera recording

because 2 months earlier

a different fiery extreme protest

cancelled trivialized diminished erased



cynical Western society

rigidly unable to comprehend

sacrifice to a cause

greater than



policeman gun drawn

repeatedly yelling

Get on the ground”

before he collapsed

vividly demonstrating

ironically embodying the mindset

Bushnell protested


slumbering complicit people


he chose to burn

for thousands burnt

without a choice


“it is done to wake us up”

said Thich Nach Hanh


offering the body

as a torch

to dissipate

the dark


“Free Palestine”

he screamed

a voice of flame

his words are fire

remember his name


he said

“This is what

our ruling class

 has decided will be


fix it


maintenance required

light on

try a new garage

small shop indie

no real waiting room

5 chairs & cashier’s desk

flat screen soccer

mechanics watch monitors in the shop

women’s US vs England

old & newer air conditioners

& ceiling fan blow

warmed cooled air

around 8x8 space

phones ring & are answered

I block it with ipod

earphone jazz

Jimmy & Wes now

reread Hunter Thompson

SF Herald Examiner columns

I read new


Reagan’s ugly demise

corrupt inept overt

greed driven


so familiar


no memory mind americans


being robbed



sucked dry



of understanding

their insignificance

murdering the world

the last taboo


peace is the final obscenity

peace is the last humiliation

peace is not on the table

peace receives no serious consideration

peace is not an option

peace is a waste of everyones time

peace is a refuge of the naive

peace doesnt make the right people rich

peace must be heavily censored

peace wont sell

peace obstructs greed

peace undermines fear as a weapon of social control

peace unemploys special forces

peace stinks up the room

peace misses the point

peace ruins the plot

peace won’t work because of someone else

peace threatens enforced economic and social disorder

peace gets low ratings

peace gets bad reviews

peace won’t prop up a dead currency

peace looks stupid in a uniform

peace needs a marketing plan

peace remains out of reach

peace could crash the internet

peace endangers capitalism

peace creates uncomfortable silences

peace redistributes wealth

peace exposes stupid sadistic bullies

peace lacks ambition

peace can’t loot the treasury

peace requires more courage than war

peace infuriates the already angry

peace didn’t make the survey

peace raises eyebrows

peace makes you check the time

peace won’t get corporate sponsorship

peace ends entitlement

peace requires your full attention

peace bores the gossip industry

peace can’t compete with cultural myth

peace can’t hitch a ride

peace can’t get a like

peace makes the wholesale slaughter of brown people seem so psychotic          

peace can’t eradicate species

peace feels like it’s being ignored

peace asks the wrong questions

peace means mental illness in a militaristic culture

peace gets labeled a traitor

peace beheads barbarism and savagery

peace can’t get a fair hearing

peace lost control of the narrative

peace can’t get booked on a news show panel

peace suspends relations with obliterating idiocy

peace can’t be serious

peace never gets invited to peace conferences

peace won’t trade on Wall Street

peace can’t afford to bankroll Hollywood propaganda empires

peace can’t make itself heard over the ear shattering wargasms

peace won’t be born of bombs

peace taken off life support still breathes


peace is our only future


Michelle Smith

 “We are the Flowers that Bloom”   We are the flowers that bloom Behind the gate Planted firmly There should be no sorrow At nig...